Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Trip, at Last

I have been wanting to post for a while, but I have been waiting for some pictures from one of my friends that I visited while I was on vacation. This vacation that I took 2 weeks ago was one of the best vacations I have been on in a long time. It was time to take time and relax, and not have to worry about everyday things. We went to Ft. Walton Beach. In my opinion, this was probably the best time of the year to go because it was not crowded and you did not have to worry about people getting in the way. We spent a lot of money eating at resturants that you normally do not get to eat at it. Some of the food was good and some of it was bad. We stayed there at Ft. Walton from Monday evening to Friday morning, and then I went to Tennessee, for the weekend.

At Tennessee, I stayed with some friends and was able to see some people that I have not seen in a while. I also had to take care of somethings for school. I can not believe that I am about to graduate from MTSU. It has been 5 years in the making, and I spent so much money just for a piece of paper. I am ready to graduate and move on with my life. While I was in Tennessee, I found out that one of my good friends got engaged. It seems that everyone around me is getting engaged, but me. I do not feel sorry for myself, I just think it is funny. The roommates that I have lived with are either married, or about to be engaged. I think a lot of it has to do with living with me because if they were not my roommates they would not have met the women that they are going to marry, today.

After I left Murfreesboro, I went to Crossville, TN to see my best friend, Brent. I finally got to see his and Jennifer's baby girl, Briley. She is a gift from God. I have been waiting on this moment to finally meet this precious gift, and while I was holding her, I was thinking that I have another child that I am need to protect. I have been waiting to see Briley ever since she was born, and it was worth the wait. I hope to see this precious one, soon again.

My vacation was great, and it was exactly what I needed. I had not been able to take time off and relax in such a long time. I got to spend time with family and friends. What a blessing it was to meet a new friend. I am very blessed to have family and friends that are willing help strengthen my relationship with God. It was great to get away and experience this.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Love to Encourage

The day started like every other day. I would go into the office and work, and try to figure out what I was going to have for lunch. Usually, I like to eat lunch around 11:30 or 12. Somedays, I will wait later, just depending on what I am doing at the time. But today, Ross invited me to lunch with him. This is the first time that I have had a one-on-one conversation with Ross about my ministry. I learned a lot about myself and about Ross. He wanted to know how I was doing, and what I was going to do after I graduate from MTSU. To end all speculation about what I am going to do, I am going to stay here, in Montgomery, and continue to serve the church at Vaughn Park, while I work at a secular job. I have come to learn that ministry is for me, but I think that I need a break from it, for a while. As I told a friend that I met at Impact, there are days that I feel I could do ministry for a long time, and then there are days that I am ready to get out of it. What keeps me going is that I continue to be an influence to teenagers. I have had other ministers tell me that I should keep going, but I sometimes feel that my heart is not into, anymore, and like my dad said when he was deciding to resign as a Deacon, at my home congregation, "if your heart is not into, it's wrong to continue." I have a heart for teenagers, and I care for them, but it is time to take a different approach. I do not know how long I will be here, but I know that God has big plans in store for me. Do not get me wrong, I have been very blessed by the time that I have been a minister intern here, and I looking forward to serving Vaughn Park for many years to come. I am very happy with the decision that I have made.

Back to Ross and the Mitchell family. When I first met Ross was when Clint was getting dropped off for a Spring Retreat that the youth group was going on. I really did not get the chance to talk him, but my impression was that he was a great minister to work with. As I have come to build relationships with the Mitchells, I feel like they are my second family. They have encouraged me, and told me to continue doing what I am doing. I am very blessed by having a family that cares for what I do. I am glad that Ross was willing to take some time out of his day to encourage and help me grow. It is great that I have someone to share my story with. To me this is what service is all about because Ross was wanting to know what was going on in my life. Service is about sharing your story with someone, but we do not really think about that, do we? Also, when I go to the Mitchell house, I feel like I am at home, and I am comfortable with them. I really love this family, and appreciate them caring for me. It is just not that Mitchells, but there are many more who care for what I am doing, here.

I just felt like I should share what happened, today. I keep getting reminded that the little things you do, bring encouragement in a big way.