UnderstandingLucky Charms is my favorite ceral! It's my birthday, so happy, happy birthday to me. So, yeah I am pretty excited. I am also excited about the mission trip. I am going to be pretty busy with the trip and school. See, my Spring Break was last week, and I did not have much going on with school. Now school is back on, and I pray that my schooling does not get in the way of the service that I am going to be doing down there, in Miami.
I am not to thrilled about doing school work on top of mission work because I am afraid that I will not accomplish much because I am going to have two things on my plate. I just can't let that happen. There are somethings in life that we have got to take and go on. It does not matter what it is. I want to finish school, but I am not going to allow my schooling to get in the way of God. My professors do not agree with this, or is it lack of understanding on their part?
There are sometimes we are going to have to stop being selfish, and understand that God is out there watching over us, and seeing how selfish we are. There is also a loving God out there loving us. This has been on my mind for the past couple days, and I do not mean to preach, but when we focus on what we want, what does that tell you about yourself? I struggle with this, as well, but I also know that God is the one, and I am one of his. My own selfish desires get in the way of me seeing what God is doing. So, fix your eyes on things above, not own things here on Earth. There are verses in the Bible, in I Corinthians 7: 19-20, it is talking about your body is a temple. It says that,"don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God brought you with a price. So you must honor God with your body." This has more to do than what you are wearing, it has do with how we let ourselves get in the way of God. I want God to be in control of my life, but I do I need to let go of everything that gets in the way of that.
Usually, I get on here, and make pointless blogs, but has been on my heart for the past couple of days, and I just wanted to say something about it.